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Strategic Plan

Mashpee Public Schools

Plan for Success 2021-2025

Approved by the Mashpee School Committee on June 16, 2021

Massachusetts Elementary & Secondary Education logo


The Mashpee Public Schools ensure a student-centered, comprehensive program of rigor, scope, and depth that prepares all students to be college, career, service, and civic ready and teaches respect and acceptance of others.


Every student, every day, is safe, respected, and engaged

to achieve academic and social growth in a personalized learning environment.

  1. We value our students, staff, and community.
  2. Every decision we make is learner-driven to improve student outcomes.
  3. Our classroom instruction and interventions are informed through observations and data-informed problem-solving.
  4. Our district academic and behavioral protocols are implemented with fidelity.
  5. Our professional learning and collaboration improve educator practice by focusing on student learning and on teaching practices that are implemented with fidelity.
  6. We establish and sustain partnerships to ensure that all students are college, career, service, and civic ready.

If we fully implement the four strategic objectives listed below, then every student, every day, is safe, respected, and engaged to achieve academic and social growth in a personalized learning environment.

Portrait of the Graduate
& Inclusion
Teaching & Learning
A Connected Community

1. Fully implement the Mashpee Public Schools’ Portrait of the Graduate

2. Honor diversity, provide equity, and ensure inclusion throughout the Mashpee Public Schools

3. Fully align teaching and learning PreK - 12 with our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework.

4. Strengthen & grow positive & reciprocal relationships between the district & the community


1.1 Identify grade-level expectations for each Portrait of a Graduate competency.

2.1 Analyze and expand district-wide systems to ensure all students, especially those from

historically marginalized groups, can access the entire scope of opportunities  

3.1 Renew our multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework with all staff and ensure implementation thereof with fidelity

4.1 Create, implement and maintain an integrated website to increase accessibility for all users

 1.2 Communicate our Portrait of a Graduate competencies to all stakeholders.

 2.2 Establish student voice opportunities to

impact/influence outcomes.


 3.2 Develop a system that identifies instructional resources and strategies that are targeted to meet each student’s needs within

Tier 1 and Tier 2



 4.2 Renew and cultivate community partnerships with the intention of improving outcomes for all stakeholders

 1.3 Reflect the Portrait of a Graduate competencies in PowerSchool and on report cards

2.3 Provide culturally responsive, audience-specific communication that addresses barriers

3.3 Provide relevant staff professional development.

4.3 Provide students with real-world opportunities for application of their skills/knowledge


1.4 Incorporate student voice and ownership through individual student electronic portfolios (i.e. Google sites) reflecting achievement of grade-level Portrait of a Graduate competencies.

2.4 Create and provide programming that honors the diversity represented in our community and beyond

3.4 Create an effective system for curriculum oversight, revision, and alignment

4.4 Showcase accomplishments and talents of our students and staff

 2.5 Recruit staff members who more closely reflect our students and provide a support system that nurtures long-term employment.

3.5 Utilize data collected through the educator supervision and evaluation process to inform whole school and individual professional development

4.5 Regularly gather information/feedback from stakeholders to inform future planning

2.6 Provide training to ensure a district-wide culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion

4.6  Provide communications targeted to specific audiences



  1. By June 30, 2025, all Mashpee stakeholders (e.g. students, staff, school committee, parents/caregivers, municipal partners, business community, taxpayers) will understand and value our Portrait of a Graduate, as evidenced by the widespread use of the philosophy throughout all stakeholder groups.


  1. By June 30, 2025, all Mashpee educators will align curriculum, instruction, and assessments with the Portrait of a Graduate competencies as evidenced through classroom observations, lesson plans, and student work.


  1. By June 30, 2025, all Mashpee students will be able to demonstrate the competencies contained in the Portrait of a Graduate as evidenced through a variety of assessment tools.


  1. By June 30, 2025, all students will grow in their attainment of skills, knowledge, and self-confidence to access all learning opportunities, as evidenced by student participation and performance data. 


  1. By June 30, 2025, our staff will more closely reflect our school community, and all students and staff will feel honored and valued for who they are, as evidenced by staffing data analysis and student/staff surveys.



  1. By June 30, 2025, all PreK - 12 teaching and learning will be fully aligned with our multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework, resulting in all students meeting or exceeding academic and social-emotional learning grade-level expectations, as evidenced through a variety of assessment tools.



  1. By June 30, 2025, all stakeholders will be able to articulate the value that the Mashpee Public Schools bring to our connected community, with growth measured through year-over-year stakeholder feedback.