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The Falcon Eye! 12/06/24

Freddie the Falcon image
Consuelo Carroll

Winter Glow Stroll!                         

This year we start a new tradition to build community and support the Falcon Family Fund! Join us as we walk through a winter wonderland, sip on hot chocolate and eat cookies in front of a "roaring fire".  

The PTO will be raffling 12 or more baskets such as "Mixed Greens" worth $200, movie night, Everything Harry Potter and much much more! 

Raffle tickets will available for 

$5 for 5 tickets or 12 tickets for $10.

Please note, the front parking and bus loop will be closed for this event. 



The Falcon Eye! 12/6/2024



Monday 12/9

Early Release Day 

PreK: 11:45 AM

K - 2: 12:30 PM


Report Cards!

The first term has ended and report cards will go on Tuesday, December 10th. Report cards are issued three times a year in grades K-2: December, March, and June. These reports are provided to inform both you and your child about progress being made.  They serve as a formal record and help communication between the home and the school. For students receiving Special Education services, Special education progress reports are also issued with regular report cards during the school year.  

The issued report card should remain at home with the parent/guardian, and the envelope should be signed and returned to the school within one (1) week after each of the first two terms.  The signature on the envelope does not indicate approval, merely the fact that the report card has been examined by the parent/guardian. Report cards are not a substitute for parent conferences. Parents/guardians are encouraged to regularly communicate with their child’s teacher to monitor their child’s academic progress. 

Our standards-based report card communicates clearly what students are expected to know and be able to do by the end of the academic year as set forth by the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks. Each grade level standard is taught, assessed, and reported within the standards on the report card. Important skills that students should learn in each subject at a particular grade level are shown on the report card. Parents/guardians will be able to see exactly which skills and knowledge their children have learned per term, allowing them to better understand their child’s strengths and areas requiring additional focus. Our reporting system reflects the extensive work of our teachers to match curriculum, rubrics, and assessments to the standards.  

Grading System for Core Academics (Grades K-2)

4:  Exceeding the grade-level standard/expectation

3:  Meeting the grade-level standard/expectation 

2:  Progressing towards grade-level standard/expectation 

1:  Not yet meeting grade-level standard/expectation

X:  Standard is not assessed at this time

Grading System for Special Subjects/Core Values/Prosocial Skills (Grades K-2)

E:  Exceeding grade-level standard/expectation 

M:  Meeting grade level standard/expectation

P:  Progressing towards grade-level standard/expectation 

N:  Not yet meeting grade-level standard/expectation

X:  Standard is not assessed at this time.


Grading for Preschool – Students at the preschool level are assessed utilizing a development scale in language, cognitive development, mathematics and early literacy skills, Reports are issued twice a year. Please note, preschool/prek students are not graded in the first term. 

It is common for children to be performing at a Level 1 or 2 in the first term of a grade-level as the standards reflect end-of-the-year goals. Should you have any questions regarding your child’s performance, please contact your child’s teacher for additional information. 

How Every Child Can Thrive by Five

Birth to age five is a crucial and pivotal time for your child's development. Building strong positive connections filled with love and care builds the brain to support learning for a lifetime. Check out this TED Talk to learn more.

Winter Glow Stroll!                         

This year we start a new tradition to build community and support the Falcon Family Fund! Join us as we walk through a winter wonderland, sip on hot chocolate and eat cookies in front of a "roaring fire".  

The PTO will be raffling 12 or more baskets such as "Mixed Greens" worth $200, movie night, Everything Harry Potter and much much more! 

Raffle tickets will available for 

$5 for 5 tickets or 12 tickets for $10.

Please note, the front parking and bus loop will be closed for this event. 

Park in the main lot and walk to the front of the building where we will gather before our walk. 

Glow sticks will be distributed by the PTO. We appreciate their partnership for these fun filled events! 


*** All proceeds will be donated to the KCCS Falcon Family Fund.***


KCCS Spirit Week! 

Before break, KCCS will show their school spirit! Below are  days and how we celebrate.

12/16 Merry Monday - Wear red and green

12/17 Tinsel Toes Tuesday - Wear crazy socks

12/18 Winter Wonderland - Wear white

12/19 Long Winter's Night - Wear your PJs

12/20 Festive Friday - Wear an ugly sweater 

Community Connections

Mashpee Fire Chief John Phelan Retires

Congratulations to Chief John Phelan on a well-deserved retirement! The Kenneth C. Coombs School is grateful for your 34 years of service keeping us safe. Thank you for being a true hero!




Active Parenting is an evidence-based parenting class for families with children ages 0-5 years with Cape Cod Family Resource Center Call (508) 815-5100

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren is a support group for grandparents and kinship caregivers raising children. Meets the third Tuesday of every month with Cape Cod Family Resource Center. Registration required. Call (508) 815-5100.

Nurturing Fathers is a 13-week in-person parenting class offering father's the opportunity to enhance their parenting skills with Cape Cod Family Resource Center. Thursdays from 6-8pm starting September 12, 2024. Dinner provided. Call (508) 815-5100.

Birth & Beyond: A Family Experience a series of four (4) classes intended before the birth of your baby for those 6 to 8 months pregnant. Expectant parents will learn about the labor and birth process, relaxation techniques, pain management, cesarean birth, breastfeeding and what to expect with immediate newborn care with Cape Cod Healthcare.

The Basics of Baby Care for parents, grandparents and caregivers to learn the basics of newborn care including family adjustment and soothing techniques as well as bathing, swaddling, baby safety, sleep and normal newborn appearance with Cape Cod Healthcare.

Ongoing Classes

Active Parenting Online Complete the lessons wherever and whenever you like, and review past lessons as many times as you need during the enrollment period. Online classes also allow you to connect virtually with other parents to hold discussions and complete activities. (Enrollment period differs depending on class.)

KCCS Pictures! 




Go Falcons!