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MMHS Principal's Note 11-21-24

Brady, Markarian & Melby standing together
Consuelo Carroll

MMHS Blue Falcon Theatre Company

Come see our amazing production of Check Please! The MMHS Blue Falcon Theatre Company is excited to invite you on Friday, December 6th at 7pm and/or Saturday, December 7th at 7pm, here at the MMHS Victoria Vieira Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $5 and available at the door. Come support our students!

Mashpee has your Back! Mashpee's 8th Annual Backpack Drive.

When: December 4th-18th

Where: Donation locations include KCC, Quashnet, and MMHS

What: Donate what you can to help the 500+ homeless on Cape Cod! Please see this week's Mashpee Minute for more information,

Mashpee Falcon Media and the Mashpee Minute! 




MMHS Principal's Note

Greetings Mashpee Middle-High School students and families!

Building Administration

Ms. Brady, Principal:

Mr. Markarian, Assistant Principal 7-9:

Ms. Melby, Assistant Principal 10-12:

Additional Administrators

Mrs. Kett, Director of School Counseling:

Mr. Looney, Director of Career and Technical Education (CTE):

Mr. Triveri, Athlectic Director and PE and Wellness Department Head:

Ms. Finn, English Department Head:

Mrs. Brodie, Math Department Head:

Mrs. Soares, Science Department Head:

Mr. Brodie, History and Social Sciences Department Head:

Mr. Rumberger, World Languages Department Head:




  • No School for everyone on Wednesday-Friday, November 27th-29th
  • Half-day on Monday, December 9th. MMHS will have an 11:45am dismissal for all students.
  • No School for everyone December 23rd - January 1st. Students and staff return from break on Thursday, January 2nd. Enjoy your time off and be sure to do something you love!
  • To the best of our ability, our weekly Newsletter will come out on Thursdays.
  • Students can enter the building at 8:10am.
  • Classes start promptly at 8:20am.
  • Dismissal is at 2:50pm.
  • MMHS has a rotating schedule with a dropped class each day. Here is a copy of our daily schedule:
  • MMHS Spirit Days every Friday! Make sure you wear your Mashpee gear or colors on Fridays!



Did you know that we have our own YouTube channel called Mashpee Falcon Media? We would love for you to subscribe to our channel! Our goal is to get at least 1,000 subscribers. Currently, we have 472. Please help us reach our goal!

Mashpee Falcon Media

Mashpee Falcon Media

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Outgoing link icon

Here is this week's edition ofThe Mashpee Minute, Season 6, Episode 10

Click to play: The Mashpee Minute Season 6 Episode 10



Students must be wearing appropriate footwear to fully participate in Physical Education classes; this means they must be wearing sneakers to fully participate. Students who are wearing Crocs, Uggs, slides, or anything other than sneakers will prevent students from fully participating and could result in loss of credit.




Come see our amazing production of Check Please! The MMHS Blue Falcon Theatre Company is excited to invite you on Friday, December 6th at 7pm and/or Saturday, December 7th at 7pm, here at the MMHS Victoria Vieira Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $5 and available at the door. Come support our students!




The MMHS Key Club is sponsoring a winter coat drive starting 11/18 and goes through 12/4.

Our MMHS Donation shopping cart will be outside of our Main Entrance starting Monday, 11/18. All clean and gently used coats of any size can be dropped off in the cart. Please do NOT leave coats if the shopping cart is not there. Only leave donations when the cart is there.

Lets help the Key Club keep everyone warm this winter!!!




When: December 4th-18th

Where: Donation locations include KCC, Quashnet, and MMHS

What: Donate what you can to help the 500+ homeless on Cape Cod! Please see this week's Mashpee Minute for more information

Who: For questions, contact and




Builders Club, which held its second meeting of the school year on Monday, October 28th, is looking for donations to support the Mashpee Cares Closet (MCC). Our Builders Club members are dedicated to keeping the MCC stocked and organized, making sure essential items like food, clothing, and hygiene products are accessible to all students at Mashpee Middle-High School. Their efforts keep this resource available for those who need it most.

We’re currently looking for donations of the following items: Items Needed for the MCC. Any help in keeping the MCC stocked with essential supplies is greatly appreciated!

For questions or more information, please reach out to Builders Club Advisors Casey Lynch ( and Laura Taylor (




For any MMHS Wampanoag student or MMHS student residing in a Wampanoag household, grades 7-12:

Indian Education is partnering with Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project (WLRP) to offer a Wampanoag only class here at MMHS. This class will take place on Fridays from 10:14-10:59 in the Indian Education Room starting on November 15th. It's a voluntary class for any MMHS Wampanoag student or MMHS student living in a Wampanoag household. Come learn to speak your language by watching, listening, and then speaking. This class does not use a textbook; all you need is yourself and a willingness to have some fun!


To sign up, please pick up a permission slip in the Main Office. Once completed, return the permission slip to the Main Office. The class begins November 15th and any interested student MUST sign up before December 6th.


Do you want to learn about the Wôpanâak Language Reclamation Project? Check out their website at




Open to Native girls at MMHS, grades 7-9, every Tuesday starting November 5th in the Wampanoag Education Room, facilitated by Talia Landry. Permission slips are available in the Main Office. Contact Talia Landry at for more information.




To celebrate Native American Heritage Month, MMHS students engaged in assemblies on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Thank you to Talia Landry and our MMHS Native Environmental Ambassadors for delivering wonderful assemblies to our MMHS students and staff! Our Native Environmental Ambassadors travel all over the country to advocate for laws that protect nature and our environment. The focus of their presentation was The Rights of Herring. Thank you to Jyrzie, Gianah, Lillian, Misqua, Journee, Anaiya, and Isaiah for presenting and protecting our planet! You make us proud!

20 MMHS Musicians will be auditioning for the All Cape Festival on Wednesday at Barnstable High School. Almost 400 Cape Cod's young musicians audition for this concert and the accepted students will be performing on February 1st, also at Barnstable High School. This is the 52nd year of the All Cape festival. Good luck to our 20 students. Go Falcons!

Congratulations to our MMHS Football Team for making it to the Final 4! We play Clinton in Mansfield this Saturday at 4:00pm. Go Falcons!

Congratulations to MMHS grade 8 student Grey Auger who qualified to compete in the USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship! Grey ran in Staten Island NewYork on Sunday and was one of the top thirty 13/14 year old boys from the New England/New York region to qualify for the national championships. Grey will be competing against over 400 other 13/14 year old from across the country on December 14th in Shelbyville, Indiana. Best wishes to you, Grey! We'll be rooting for you!

The Mashpee Middle High School Robotics Team has been busy the last few weeks! They hosted and competed in their first competition of the year, the Cape Cod VEX League. Our students competed against fellow robotics teams from Cape Cod Tech, Barnstable High, DY Regional, and Monomoy Middle. Congratulations to Mashpee team 63857F "Mistaken for Humans," Ronald Hill, Naomi Javier, and Max Nash who brought home the Design Award on Saturday at Whitman Hanson Regional, recognizing their hard work building and designing their robot but especially their dedication to recording their process in their engineering notebook. Also, congratulations to team 63857D, Brodie Perry and Colby Rogers, for making it to the Finals in the the tournament at Whitman Hanson Regional this past weekend. Great job to all team members who have been spending countless hours working on their robots and competing pretty much nonstop the last three weeks!

MMHS Staff showing support for Transgender Awareness Week!

On Wednesday, six members of the A/V Club went to Mashpee TV where they trained to do a live-to-tape recording of The Mashpee Minute! Thank you to Chris, Justin, and Mike at Mashpee TV for providing an amazing real-world television broadcasting experience for our students.

