Student Supports
Classes at the Summer Learning Institute can be taken for credit recovery or elective enrichment. Students looking for credit recovery need to first have the class/classes pre-approved by their school to receive credit.
MMHS Summer Learning Institute Classes are from July 11-August 10, 2023. Classes are in-person and meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM at Mashpee Middle-High School with on-line curriculum using the Edgenuity learning platform. Each in-person session is facilitated by a certified teacher and will provide students an opportunity for discussion regarding the course content. Students are required to attend each day until their course is complete (100% of the coursework with a 70% or higher average prior to August 10).
A MANDATORY orientation will take place on July 11th at 8:00 AM at Mashpee Middle-High School.
Credit Recovery provides students the opportunity to earn credit for required courses for which they were unsuccessful during the academic school year. Students are eligible for credit recovery if they passes at least one term and received at 50% or higher average for their final grade in the class. It is recommended that students take no more than two credit recovery classes over the summer. If a student falls behind in their coursework they will be required to attend an additional in-person session on Mondays from 8:00 AM-12:00 PM.
MMHS Students
One credit recovery course - $225 Two credit recovery courses - $400
Reduced tuition for students that qualify for financial assistance through the National School Lunch Program
One credit recovery course - $112.50 Two credit recovery courses - $200
NON-MMHS Students
One credit recovery course - $245 Two credit recovery courses - $420
Reduced tuition for students that qualify for financial assistance through the National School Lunch Program
One credit recovery course - $112.50 Two credit recovery courses - $210
Payment can be made to: Mashpee Public Schools, Summer Learning Institute, 150A Old Barnstable Road, Mashpee, MA 02649 , ATTN: Darlene Phelan
Should you have any additional questions, please contact the Mashpee Middle High School Guidance Department at 508-539-3600 x1131 or 508-539-3600 x1132